The 5 Biggest Hormone Disruptors
The word hormone comes from the Greek word horman, meaning to “stir up” or to “urge on.” Our hormones are extremely unique, not a single person has the exact same hormonal levels as another and this is just another factor that makes us so unique as human-beings.
Similar to a car engine, the human body is an extremely complex machine where each individual part of that machine has a direct impact on every other part. Have you ever noticed the pattern when your car breaks down? It rarely is a single part that needs replacing. Similar are our bodies; even if one hormone isn’t in balance, then many others will follow suit, resulting in a state of dysfunction in the body.
Understanding how and why these dysfunctions occur is an important concept to grasp when it comes to how the hormonal system functions and how a person can help it or hurt it.
Poor Sleep
The goal every night should be to achieve 7 to 9 hours of sleep to repair the body from the day’s trauma while maintaining a consistent sleep rhythm as well. If your sleep pattern is consistently disrupted, the majority of all disruptors usually stem from a poor diet and/or lifestyle choices. We should notice the majority of our energy in the morning and see it slowly decrease the closer we get to bedtime. Ideally, the goal should be to get to bed no later than 11 PM each night, earlier the better, as the hours of sleep before midnight have been shown to be particularly restorative.
High-Intensity Exercise
Exercise can be one of the largest factors in balancing one’s hormonal levels, especially by incorporating resistance training and high-intensity training into your weekly routine. However, like anything else, we can over do it. It is important to understand that excessive exercise without properly recovering can contribute to a chronic state of stress on the human body. If we begin to notice that our performance in the gym isn’t progressing, we are slow to physically recover, and we just lack overall motivation, it might be time to take a break and perform low-impact routines such as walking, yoga, and lighter forms of strength training.
Low Food Quality / GMO’s
Eating a whole food based diet; one filled with organic fruits and vegetables, limited “refined” sugars, grass-fed meats, wild-caught fish, pasture-raised poultry, and nutrient-dense carbohydrates is optimal for most. By eating mostly organic based products, we dramatically reduce the amount of toxins from genetically modified crops (GMO’s) that enter our bodies which disrupt hormone production and GI health.
Lifestyle Stressors
Stress, and the inflammation that comes from it, is the single most impactful element when it comes to hormonal balance. We might not always be able to change our lifestyle stress that may come from our jobs, environments, and day to day responsibilities but we can implement practical strategies each week to help combat lifestyle stress. Be sure to schedule personal time for yourself each week to do something you enjoy-watching a funny movie, spending time with friends, playing games, etc.
Using relaxation techniques periodically throughout the day has also been shown to reduce cortisol response (stress hormone) such as performing deep breathing techniques, prayer, getting massages, listening to calming music, journaling and more.
Improper Macronutrient Ratios
Every individual’s caloric and macronutrient amounts are unique according to a variety of factors-age, activity level, health needs, etc., but if improving overall hormonal health is your primary goal, we must know that fats and more specifically, cholesterol, is a precursor for all hormone production. Some of the best sources of healthy fats are Omega-3 fish oils, coconut oil, olive oil, avocados, nuts, seeds, grass-fed/pasture-raised meats and wild-caught fish.
As stated earlier, the majority of hormonal imbalances typically occur due to a result of poor diet and chronic lifestyle stressors. If we keep the focus on continuously monitoring these two areas, the chances are high that we may be able to avoid heavy supplementation and usage of prescription medications. But, as with everything else, changes do not happen overnight so we recommend following necessary diet and lifestyle improvements for a minimum of 90 days.
If you still feel like you are not improving and believe you may be suffering from a hormonal imbalance, please contact a primary care physician that specializes in hormones or reach out to us for further recommendations.

"Coach Taz" aka Taylor Rodriguez is owner and head coach of Taz Fitness & Nutrition. He is a Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach located in Deltona, FL that coaches individuals online and in person. Taylor was a former partying pro wrestler turned fitness enthusiast after the economic downturn of 2008-2010. After losing almost 70 lbs, his new passion is to help struggling individuals find a new confidence within themselves to achieve any goal that they see possible. To begin coaching with Taylor or to request a free consultation, contact us today.
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