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Writer's pictureTaylor Rodriguez

The 2 Most Guaranteed But Neglected Fat Loss Strategies

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The 2 Most Guaranteed But Neglected Fat Loss Strategies

Fat loss strategies are a dime a dozen now. With the health and fitness industry generating over $96 billion dollars in 2019 and every celebrity, influencer and TV personality wanting a piece of that pie, it’s no wonder why the obesity epidemic is only getting worse while simultaneously there is an increase in autoimmune diseases, all despite the rapid increase in exercise facilities and weight loss programs flooding our communities.

This might come as a shock to a few of you but when it comes to weight loss and achieving aesthetic goals in general, the law of thermodynamics and more specifically the first law of energy balance (calories in vs calories out) is still king, despite all the recent attention over hormones and how they play into our weight management goals.

With that said, the two fat loss strategies that are listed below are neither revolutionary or thought provoking in my own opinion since this data that I’m about to share with you has been tested throughout several decades and the same conclusions keep being presented. However, it should be noted that these strategies will only work appropriately if sufficient energy balance is taken into account. If you are struggling with knowing how many calories you should be consuming each day for optimal health, we recently wrote a detailed blog on this that you can read about here.

Fat Loss Strategy #1

In 2001, a study concluded that actively participating in a strength training routine a few times per week may increase your RMR (Resting Metabolic Rate) anywhere from 5-7%. Your RMR is the speed at which your metabolism burns energy (calories) at rest. For this specific study, details were lacking in the description such as frequency and duration of workouts as well as nutritional recommendations but similar studies that have been performed in the past reveal that strength training 3-4x’s each week appears to be optimal.

A habit that I’ve personally seen over the years has shown that individuals, when participating in a diet or weight loss program, typically avoid strength training and prefer performing less complicated forms of exercise such as walking on a treadmill or exercising on other low-impact cardiovascular equipment such as the elliptical or stationary bicycle.

This mainly is due to the fact that most don’t know what strength training exercises to perform for maximum results and/or don’t know how to use the machines in their local gyms properly so instead of seeking help, they go back to what is comfortable and familiar to them. Remember, we all start somewhere and even the most advanced weightlifters began by asking for help and getting guidance from professionals.

Strength Training has been shown to increase metabolisms, thus aiding in the calorie burning process and helping you to achieve the mandatory deficit that is required to lose weight, however there are several other benefits to strength training that cannot be ignored such as improvements in physical performance, movement control, walking speed, functional independence, cognitive abilities and self-esteem. Further testing needs to be done but it’s also been suggested that strength training lowers visceral fat percentage - the fat around our vital organs, it reduces HbA1c numbers as well as our LDL (or “bad”) Cholesterol while raising the HDL (or “good”) Cholesterol, it improves insulin sensitivity and cardiovascular health while increasing bone density by 1-3%.

If you need help programming your strength training program, reach out to us today.

Fat Loss Strategy #2

Another habit that individuals seem to perform when participating in a diet or weight loss program, this time more on the nutritional side of things, they typically will reduce the amount of carbs or fats within their diets while eating less than enjoyable foods such as salads and smoothies - all the while neglecting the most powerful macronutrient that has a direct impact on metabolisms which is protein!

Protein has been shown to have a thermic effect of 15-30%, thus burning more calories overall than it’s fellow macronutrients - carbohydrates (5-10%) and fats (0-3%). The linked study goes on to suggest that the higher the percentage of protein within your diet compared to carbohydrates or fats, a greater total caloric burn would be achieved if you compare that to someone that has a lower total protein intake. With the majority of the clients I’ve personally worked with over the years, it’s typical to see someone that intakes a low percentage of protein (-20%) while having an abundance of carbohydrates and fats while struggling to lose body fat. Recommended dietary guidelines for protein typically range from .8g - 1.2g of protein per lean muscle tissue. If you're not aware of what your current LMT is, there are several formulas or calculators that can be found online that can provide you with some beginning recommendations.

Similar to strength training, protein has several other benefits such as helping to increase strength and muscle mass, it alters weight-regulating hormones that causes us to feel satiated thus consuming less calories throughout the day and remaining in a caloric deficit, it increases bone health, it lowers blood pressure, and much more. As previously stated, before dramatically altering your diet, please consult with a certified health professional.

There are several factors that go into having the appropriate nutritional protocol while complimenting that with the right training program. If you are confused on where to begin, I encourage you to join our free Facebook group where we’ve brought together a community of parents that are striving to become the most healthy and fit versions of themselves.


taylor rodriguez coach taz

"Coach Taz" aka Taylor Rodriguez is the owner and head coach of Taz Fitness & Nutrition. He is a Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach located in Deltona, FL that coaches individuals online and in person. Taylor was a former partying pro wrestler turned fitness enthusiast after the economic downturn of 2008-2010. After losing almost 70 lbs, his new passion is to help struggling individuals find new confidence within themselves to achieve any goal that they see possible. To begin coaching with Taylor or to request a free consultation, contact us today.

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