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  • Writer's pictureTaylor Rodriguez

How To Stay Active with a Sedentary Job

how to stay active with a sedentary job

How can we live our healthiest lives when we are immobile for 40+ hours a week? As a full time Graphic Designer, I know the struggle. One thing I've realized is, as we age, our free time becomes even more scarce. You may truly desire to become more athletic and overall healthy but it's not an excuse when I say that our responsibilities and circumstances can get in the way. BUT, that doesn't mean you should use that as an excuse.

We must first realize that even though the demands of this world has vastly increased, simultaneously, our resources available have as well. That is why I've been so passionate about creating content to help busy adults. Everything from quick meal prepping tips to 20 min home based workout routines. Life always has it's problems, but there will always be solutions to go along with them!

So, how can we make the most out of our circumstances? First, it’s important to realize WHY it’s important to move as much as possible throughout the day. Being active brings a long line of health benefits including: increased blood circulation, higher brain activity, less fatigue, aids in digestion, and much more! This is just a few examples on why it's so important to move as frequently as possible. See below for my top 3 tips on how to stay active with a sedentary job... 1. STAND UP MAN!

Make every excuse possible just to move. Why not get up and talk to your coworker about that task instead of sending ANOTHER email, you will get a faster response anyways! Skip the elevator and use the stairs, this is a great tool to use to see just how in/out of shape you are. HELLO WAKE UP CALL! Another smart strategy is to look around to your surroundings. For myself, I work at a school, so every so often I'll try to swing into a P.E. class and play some activities with the kids to get some blood movement going. 2. USE YOUR LUNCH BREAK!

Regardless if it’s 30 mins or an hour, pop in some headphones, listen to something that motivates you and go for a walk. A lot of office buildings are providing gyms to their employees and even if yours doesn’t, your body is a gym, bring a change of clothes, stop making excuses and do something! Anything is better then spending another hour sitting down while eating and surfing social media as your brain melts away. 3. USE SMART DEVICES!

With almost everyone having a smart device or some sort of activity tracking watch, all of these devices can be used to set an hourly alarm to remind you to stand up and move. Try not to be sitting for longer than 60 mins at a time. Stand up, perform 10 squats or deadlifts with a random object to loosen your legs and back while stimulating your brain before sitting back down. If you constantly work from your email, is there an app available for your phone? If there is, you can walk around while responding to emails. BOOM! We live in a world with an obesity epidemic but you don’t have to join that statistic. Adding a little bit every day can help you achieve your goals, and it will take commitment but I believe in you. Use your time well and don't get down on yourself if you can't consistently commit to a two hour workout everyday! If you need accountability and help with achieving your goals, register for our e-newsletter.

taylor coach taz rodriguez

"Coach Taz" aka Taylor Rodriguez is owner and head coach of Taz Fitness & Nutrition. He is a Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach located in Deltona, FL that coaches individuals online and in person. Taylor was a former partying pro wrestler turned fitness enthusiast after the economic downturn of 2008-2010. After losing almost 70 lbs, his new passion is to help struggling individuals find a new confidence within themselves to achieve any goal that they see possible. To begin coaching with Taylor or to request a free consultation, contact us today.

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