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Taylor Rodriguez
3 min read
Why It's Important To Give A F***!
There's been a trendy mindset of not caring about what others think. Here are 3 reasons why you should indeed care!
Taylor Rodriguez
4 min read
How to Achieve Work-Life Balance
With the craziness of life never slowing down and having a list of responsibilities, how do you juggle it all? I'm no expert but from ex
Taylor Rodriguez
4 min read
Solution for Business Owners
What separates an average business from an outstanding one? What causes a majority of businesses to close as opposed to the ones that...
Taylor Rodriguez
4 min read
Overnight Success
Happy Tuesday! We are officially towards the end of March, can you believe it? How many of you have stuck with your New Year's...
Taylor Rodriguez
1 min read
Responding to Negativity
THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY! Great morning everyone. Here is a little motivation to get you through the work day :) Remember, negativity isn't...
Taylor Rodriguez
3 min read
Going After What You Want
Great Monday everyone! Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend and that you are ready to dominate this week! Over the last couple of weeks,...
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