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Taylor Rodriguez
4 min read
How to Achieve Work-Life Balance
With the craziness of life never slowing down and having a list of responsibilities, how do you juggle it all? I'm no expert but from ex

Taylor Rodriguez
4 min read
Redefining the Dad Bod
Not all changes are good. How should we prevent excessive weight gain as we get older? As men, should we be proud of our Dad Bods or should

Taylor Rodriguez
2 min read
Avoiding Self-Sabotage
With life being as challenging as it is, sticking to a wellness protocol can be very difficult. I wanted to send this as a reminder that...

Taylor Rodriguez
4 min read
How To Start Your New Year Off Right!
Is declaring a new years resolution enough to make your dreams become a reality? Get real with yourself and take on these action steps to he

Taylor Rodriguez
2 min read
Learning to Flip Fear Around
Starting a brand new wellness journey can be very intimidating for most. From not understanding the correct calorie amounts each person...

Taylor Rodriguez
3 min read
Emylee Gotsch Testimonial
Good morning world, I truly hope everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving feast! I am back again with another amazing Transformation Tuesday...

Taylor Rodriguez
4 min read
Solution for Business Owners
What separates an average business from an outstanding one? What causes a majority of businesses to close as opposed to the ones that...

Taylor Rodriguez
2 min read
Stop Tracking Numbers
Whether you are a small business owner, individual trying hit a wellness goal, manager at a corporate facility, or an individual...

Taylor Rodriguez
4 min read
Overnight Success
Happy Tuesday! We are officially towards the end of March, can you believe it? How many of you have stuck with your New Year's...

Taylor Rodriguez
1 min read
Underestimating Ourselves
Happy New Year! We are about halfway through the brand new month and time is flying, as we all could've expected. As we begin this new...

Taylor Rodriguez
6 min read
Simple Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain!
Well, we are officially only 1 week away from Christmas! Where did the time go this year? Anyways, during this time of the year, it is...

Taylor Rodriguez
1 min read
Responding to Negativity
THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY! Great morning everyone. Here is a little motivation to get you through the work day :) Remember, negativity isn't...
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