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Taylor Rodriguez
2 min read
How Angela Lost 15 Inches In 3 Months! (Success Story)
How Angela Lost 15 Inches In 3 Months! (Success Story)

Taylor Rodriguez
4 min read
The Toxic World of Self Help Culture
After 10 years in the self-help world, these are the real dangers I learned by hiring popular business gurus.

Taylor Rodriguez
2 min read
How Parents Can Beat & Overcome "Survival Mode"
How Parents Can Beat & Overcome "Survival Mode?" If you're feeling burned out, this live training is for you!

Taylor Rodriguez
2 min read
How parents can lose weight quickly
83% of dieters fail to achieve results (especially long-term). Use these simple tips to finally see results and get motivated again.

Taylor Rodriguez
8 min read
How Parents Can Lose Weight When In Survival Mode
Survival mode sucks as a parent, here are a few tips to help you stay on track with your weight loss during chaotic seasons of life!

Taylor Rodriguez
2 min read
How to turn stress into strength
Unfortunately, stress and tragedies are part of life. How do we manage them so they don't set us back in life and in our own personal goals?

Taylor Rodriguez
2 min read
How to increase metabolism rate permanently
Listen in as Nutrition Coaches discuss science-based strategies on how to improve metabolism speed and the importance of reverse dieting.

Taylor Rodriguez
2 min read
How To Get Motivated To Workout When Tired
Motivation and accountability are the 2 biggest reasons people give as to why they struggle to achieve their weight loss goals.

Aaron Gould
6 min read
The Most Under-Utilized Weight-Loss Tool
Most people give up too soon on their weight loss goals and it has little to do with the diet or the workout routine.

Will Frantz
8 min read
Suffering from Burnout? Me Too! (Recovery Guide)
Burnt Out? Me Too. - A Primer on Stress and Recovery. Have you been feeling stressed? Burnt out? Exhausted? Trust me, you’re not alone....

Taylor Rodriguez
3 min read
How to Make the Most Out of the Last 90 Days
Regardless of the pandemic or whatever it is that is holding you back, TAKE ACTION and learn how to smash the rest of 2020

Taylor Rodriguez
4 min read
4 Ways to Make Healthy Habits Stick
Setting new habits to achieve our goals isn't simple, but it is easy with the right approach. Use these tips to help you move forward!

Taylor Rodriguez
3 min read
How to Successful Structure Goals in 2020
Achieving goals is more than writing them down. That is why so many fail each year. More importantly, it's about HOW you structure them.

Taylor Rodriguez
5 min read
Top 10 List What this New Entrepreneur Learned in the 2010's
Hopefully by reading this list, you can accelerate your growth and avoid some of the many mistakes I made while trying to pursue personal gr

Taylor Rodriguez
3 min read
How To Stay Active with a Sedentary Job
How can we live our healthiest lives when we are immobile for 40+ hours a week? As a full time Graphic Designer, I know the struggle. One...

Taylor Rodriguez
5 min read
Heart Health & the Story of Megan Washington
For many of us, the reason behind why we never go after our goals is simply due to fear. It's a hard pill to swallow but there comes a...

Taylor Rodriguez
4 min read
Top 5 Tips to Stay Fit and Successful as a New Parent
There is no denying that trying to stay fit and successful as a new parent can be difficult. Between late night feedings, working on...

Taylor Rodriguez
3 min read
Why It's Important To Give A F***!
There's been a trendy mindset of not caring about what others think. Here are 3 reasons why you should indeed care!

Taylor Rodriguez
3 min read
5 Personal Development Strategies
With this world constantly changing and asking more out of everyone, we are in need of personal and professional growth. Especially if we...

Taylor Rodriguez
3 min read
Why it's important to stay in your lane!
With technology developing and expanding at the rate that it is, it's easier than ever to get your hands and eyes on any type of...
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